Do you know what’s in your laundry detergent?

Do you know what you’re washing your clothes in? Most people unknowingly add exposure to toxins simply by washing their clothes. And many of the chemicals found in common household detergents are known carcinogens or have never been tested for safety. Taking notice of what is in your household products can help you make better decisions for your health and the environment. Read the labels! And pass on products that contain the following:

Avoid this:

❌ Fragrance

❌ Phthalates

❌ Phosphates

❌ 1,4-dioxane (known carcinogen)

❌ Quaternium-15

An option to protect your skin from harsh chemicals in your detergent is to make your own non-toxic laundry detergent at home. Here’s a simple recipe you can follow to make sure you’re avoiding toxic chemicals added to common household laundry detergents.